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$\begingroup$ $9\sin^2 \theta1=0$ gives $\sin \theta=\pm \frac13$ so there are in fact 3 solutions $\endgroup$ – rae306 Aug 2 '15 at $\begingroup$ The sine is $\pm \frac{1}{3}$ The domain of the trig functions has not been specified, so there are infinitely many answers, tough to do a commaseparated list $\endgroup$ – AndréRπ/4 0 35cos2θ cos2θ dθ = Rπ/4 0 3 cos2θ 5cos2θ cos2θ dθ = Rπ/4 0 (3sec2θ 5)dθ =3tanθ 5θπ/4 0 = 3tanπ 4 5π 4 −(00)=35π 4I Limits in θ θ ∈ 0π;
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